Calvin's Dev Logs

Coffee, Code, & Conquests


Using a self-signed SSL cert on MacOS

#SSL #OpenSSL #MacOS #Security

15 Aug 2024 | Etc

Test tools for rails application

#Security #csp #SSL #vulnerable #Test

12 Sep 2022 | Etc

Add or remove domain to existing Letsencrypt's cert

#Nginx #Config #SSL #Letsencrypt

27 Jun 2019 | Operations

How to set CAA DNS record?

#Security #SSL #DNS

21 Mar 2018 | Operations

Letsencrypt "Invalid response" error during renewal due to http/https redirection

#Nginx #SSL #Letsencrypt

02 Feb 2018 | Operations

Implement and Verify Certificate Pinning in Android

#Android #Security #Retrofit #SSL

28 Jul 2017 | Development

TLS SSL protocols and cipher suites

#SSL #Security #TLS

17 Sep 2016 | Etc

Enabling HSTS in Nginx

#SSL #Nginx #HSTS

18 Aug 2016 | Operations

Using Let's Encrypt as your SSL Cert Authority via Certbot

#SSL #Nginx #Letsencrypt

18 Aug 2016 | Operations

Using custom DH Param in Nginx

#Security #SSL #Nginx #DH Param

18 Aug 2016 | Operations