Calvin's Dev Logs

Coffee, Code, & Conquests


Remove html extension and map URL to static html file in Nginx

#Nginx #Config

27 Jun 2019 | Operations

Add or remove domain to existing Letsencrypt's cert

#Nginx #Config #SSL #Letsencrypt

27 Jun 2019 | Operations

Adding CORS header for specific domains in Nginx

#Nginx #Config #Security

27 Jun 2019 | Development

Increase file descriptor for RabbitMQ

#Ubuntu #RabbitMQ #Config

16 May 2018 | Operations

Rails url helper does not respect "relative_url_root" configuration in mailer

#Rails #ActionMailer #Config

08 Mar 2018 | Development

Using a custom config file

#Rails #Config

06 Jul 2017 | Development

Rate Limiting on Nginx

#Nginx #Config

27 Aug 2016 | Operations