Password security

Article Password Security Fido

Website security checks

Security headers, TLS/SSL

Snippet Security

Check server TLS protocol support

Snippet OpenSSL Security

Check signature of Android APK

Guide Android Security SDK

Adding CORS header for specific domains in Nginx

Snippet Nginx Config Security

How to set CAA DNS record?

To hint SSL CA if they are authorized to issue a cert for this domain

Guide Security SSL DNS

Implement and Verify Certificate Pinning in Android

With Android Nougat Security Config and Retrofit

Guide Android Security Retrofit SSL

TLS SSL protocols and cipher suites

Provide the correct cipher suites with the correct protocols for smooth and secure HTTPS experience.

Article SSL Security TLS

Protect email address displayed on your page

To prevent email harvesters from obtaining them easily

Article Security Email

SPF validation for your mail server

Add SPF entry in your DNS records to authorize a mail server

Snippet Email SEO Security DNS

Censoring data in rails log files

Log files should be free of sensitive information

Guide Rails Logging Security

Hiding server identity and signature for Nginx and Passenger

Usually you do not want to expose what server you are using and its version number.

Snippet Security Nginx Passenger

Blocking malicious crawler in nginx

To stay safe and reduce unnecessary bandwidth usage

Guide Security Nginx Crawler Blacklist

Using custom DH Param in Nginx

Avoid using nginx default dh param

Guide Security SSL Nginx DH Param