How to set CAA DNS record?

To hint SSL CA if they are authorized to issue a cert for this domain

Guide Security SSL DNS

How to upgrade Gradle in your Android project?

Gradle Distribution and Android Gradle Plugin

Guide Android Gradle Upgrade

Redis store integration steps

Rails cache store using Redis

Guide Rails Cache Redis

Rails url helper does not respect "relative_url_root" configuration in mailer

Specify relative url for mailer using script_name

Error Rails ActionMailer Config

Letsencrypt "Invalid response" error during renewal due to http/https redirection

Make sure the authorization file can be accessed

Error Nginx SSL Letsencrypt

Integrate Google Sign-In

Using Google OAuth2 with Omniauth

Snippet Ruby Google Oauth2 Omniauth

Handling weekdays, weekends and public holidays

By using various built-in methods in Ruby and Rails

Snippet Ruby Rails Date Time

Define .ruby-version for all your app

To prevent wrong ruby version and gems being used in a multi-apps server

Error Ruby Version Passenger

False warning for Style/AndOr cop when used as chaining operation

"and" and "&&" does not always give equivalent result

Error Ruby Rubocop

Deploy rails app using Capistrano

Capistrano is an useful deployment automation tool

Guide Rails Capistrano Deployment

Use rails 5.1 encrypted secrets

To protect production credentials even if they are committed into git

Guide Ruby Rails Secret Encryption

Use .gitignore to prevent committing unwanted files

Logs, temporary files, credentials are not supposed to be committed into git repository

Snippet Ruby Git Gitignore Android

10 Common Rubocop Catches

Rubocop is a powerful static code analysis tool for Ruby Language

Article Ruby Rubocop Coding standard

Deploying Java app as daemon

Via systemd or init.d

Snippet Java Jar Upstart Systemd Deployment

Reconstruct query string from request

For string compare or generate signature hash

Snippet Ruby Rails Controller