Preview ActionMailer email content

Without actually sending out the email

Snippet Rails ActionMailer Test

Avoiding table name conflict when multiple delayed job accessing the same database

When you have multiple apps connecting to the same database

Snippet Rails Delayed Job Database

Force HTTP header name lowercase

Walkaround for 3rd party server which is case-sensitive to HTTP header

Error Rails Httparty

Error installing mini_racer gem

In Ubuntu 12.04 or CentOS 6.x

Error Rails Bundle Gem

Rails SMTP setting without authentication

A common mistake to remove SMTP authentication

Snippet Rails SMTP

Test rails mailer with RSpec

Functional and Spec testing

Snippet RSpec Rails Mailer Test ActionMailer

Load SMTP setting dynamically

From database or user's input

Snippet Rails Email SMTP

Using a custom config file

Store application specific configuration in a custom config file

Snippet Rails Config

Whenever gem cron job bundle: command not found issue

Caused by path issue

Error Rails Cron job Crontab

Generate and validate request signature for HTTP APIs

To identify who is sending and the content received is what is intended to be sent.

Guide Rails API Signature

The usage of schema.rb

A guide on when you use migration and when do you load schema

Article Database Rails Migration

Using delayed job in low demand system

Without using workers, but run periodically with much smaller frequency.

Guide Delayed Job Rails Cron job

Deploy rails app in subdirectory

With nginx and passenger, you can easily deploy multiple apps each in their own folder

Guide Nginx Deployment Rails

Dynamically generated sitemap in rails

Always provide the latest sitemap to search engine when queried.

Guide Rails Sitemap SEO

Censoring data in rails log files

Log files should be free of sensitive information

Guide Rails Logging Security