Upgrading to Google Invisible reCaptcha

For better User Experience

Guide reCaptcha Setup Google

Using delayed job in low demand system

Without using workers, but run periodically with much smaller frequency.

Guide Delayed Job Rails Cron job

Deploy rails app in subdirectory

With nginx and passenger, you can easily deploy multiple apps each in their own folder

Guide Nginx Deployment Rails

Redirect www to non-www and http to https in nginx

Keep only 1 version of your page and redirect others to this version.

Guide Nginx Deployment SEO DNS

Dynamically generated sitemap in rails

Always provide the latest sitemap to search engine when queried.

Guide Rails Sitemap SEO

Censoring data in rails log files

Log files should be free of sensitive information

Guide Rails Logging Security

Deploying rails app

In Ubuntu, Nginx, Passenger environment.

Guide Nginx Deployment Passenger Rails

Using a custom Domain Name for CloudFront CDN

For consistency, or white-listing, or other specific purposes.

Guide AWS DNS CloudFront

Setting up Sendy with Nginx

An alternative to Apache as taught in Sendy's Get Start.

Guide Sendy Nginx Setup

Log rotation and maintenance in Ubuntu

You do not want to keep all your logs in just 1 file and let it grows forever.

Guide Logging Maintenance Ubuntu

Setup rabbitmq service on Ubuntu

RabbitMQ is a message broker to manage your message's livecycle.

Guide RabbitMQ Setup Ubuntu

Setup Sidekiq on Ubuntu with upstart

Use sidekiq to performance background job

Guide Sidekiq Ubuntu

Setup Nginx and Passenger on Ubuntu

For serving ruby on rails applications

Guide Ubuntu Nginx Passenger Setup

Setting up ruby on rails on Ubuntu

Ruby, Bundler, Rails, and Database

Guide Ruby Rails Setup Ubuntu

Blocking malicious crawler in nginx

To stay safe and reduce unnecessary bandwidth usage

Guide Security Nginx Crawler Blacklist