Using Active Storage for API project

With AWS S3 as storage service provider

Guide Rails Active Storage S3 AWS

Nginx 1.13.9+ HTTP/2 server push

To reduce round trip time (RTT)

Guide Nginx HTTP2 Performance

How to use yarn in Rails 5.1 to manage javascript dependencies?

Including steps to upgrade from older version of Rails

Guide Rails Javascript Yarn

How to set CAA DNS record?

To hint SSL CA if they are authorized to issue a cert for this domain

Guide Security SSL DNS

How to upgrade Gradle in your Android project?

Gradle Distribution and Android Gradle Plugin

Guide Android Gradle Upgrade

Redis store integration steps

Rails cache store using Redis

Guide Rails Cache Redis

Deploy rails app using Capistrano

Capistrano is an useful deployment automation tool

Guide Rails Capistrano Deployment

Use rails 5.1 encrypted secrets

To protect production credentials even if they are committed into git

Guide Ruby Rails Secret Encryption

Making a Facebook Messenger Bot

A bot that do simple math calculation

Guide Rails Facebook API Chatbot

Making a simple Telegram Chatbot

Accepting text inputs and render simple response

Guide Rails Telegram API Chatbot

Implement and Verify Certificate Pinning in Android

With Android Nougat Security Config and Retrofit

Guide Android Security Retrofit SSL

Deploying Laravel on Ubuntu

With PHP7, Nginx

Guide PHP7 Laravel Nginx Ubuntu Deployment

Generate and validate request signature for HTTP APIs

To identify who is sending and the content received is what is intended to be sent.

Guide Rails API Signature

RSA public key encryption and private key decryption

With Ruby and Openssl

Guide Ruby OpenSSL Encryption Public Key

Basic NodeJs setup on Ubuntu 16.04

For production environment

Guide NodeJs NPM PM2 Nginx Setup