Install Redis
1. If you don't already have a Redis Server, you need to install one.
2. For MacOS, install via brew:
$ brew update $ brew install redis $ brew services start redis
3. For Ubuntu, install by:
$ sudo apt-get install redis-server
4.Check your Redis Server is started.
$ ps aux | grep redis
You should see something like this:
5. To change configuration, the config file is located at:
(MacOS) /usr/local/etc/redis.conf (Ubuntu) /etc/redis/redis.conf
Configuring Redis in Rails
1. Add the redis gem for Rails.
gem 'redis-rails'
2. Install the gem.
$ bundle install
3. Set Redis as your cache store in application.rb
config.cache_store = :redis_store, { host: "", port: 6379, namespace: "my_cache" }
4. Create a Redis instance via initializer. (E.g. config/initializers/redis.rb)
$redis =
Using Redis
1. Write value to a key:
$redis.set('my_key', 'my value')
2. Read value from a key:
nil is returned if key does not exists.
3. Check key exists:
$redis.exists('my_key') > true
4. Delete a key:
5. Delete all keys:
6. Set multiple keys in one call:
$redis.mset('my_key_1', 'my_value_1', 'my_key_2', 'my_value_2')
7. Get multiple keys in one call:
@value = $redis.mget('my_key_1', 'my_key_2') > ["my_value_1", "my_value_2"]
8. Use as increment counter:
$redis.set('my_key', 1) $redis.incr('my_key') @value = $redis.get('my_key') > 2 $redis.set('my_key', 1) $redis.incrby('my_key', 10) @value = $redis.get('my_key') > 11
Redis CLI
1. You can access Redis CLI tool for debugging. Type the command below in your terminal to enter CLI mode.
$ redis-cli
2. To check a value, use the GET command. E.g.> GET my_key "my value"
3. Full list of available commands can be found here.