Whenever gem cron job bundle: command not found issue

Caused by path issue

Error Rails Cron job Crontab

Uploading text string or file to S3

Via AWS Ruby SDK v2

Snippet AWS S3 Ruby SDK

Designing Android Icons

Rules and guidelines

Article Android Icons Design

Gradle build problem with unicode class and method name.

java.io.IOException: Failed to read zip file OR Error converting bytecode to dex

Error Gradle Android Unicode Obfuscation

Generate and validate request signature for HTTP APIs

To identify who is sending and the content received is what is intended to be sent.

Guide Rails API Signature

Convert p12 cert to pem format

Ruby, Openssl, pkcs12, apns, pem

Snippet P12 Convert PEM Cert

RSA public key encryption and private key decryption

With Ruby and Openssl

Guide Ruby OpenSSL Encryption Public Key

Basic NodeJs setup on Ubuntu 16.04

For production environment

Guide NodeJs NPM PM2 Nginx Setup

Removing links added when printing bootstrap pages

This only happens for bootstrap before version 4

Error Bootstrap 3 Print

Upgrading to Google Invisible reCaptcha

For better User Experience

Guide reCaptcha Setup Google

Use preconnect & dns-prefetch hint

To minimize time spent on connection setup

Article Optimization Hint Performance

The usage of schema.rb

A guide on when you use migration and when do you load schema

Article Database Rails Migration

Using delayed job in low demand system

Without using workers, but run periodically with much smaller frequency.

Guide Delayed Job Rails Cron job

Upgrade to Nginx mainstream 1.11.0 to solve a few http2 related problem

Use Nginx 1.11.0 if you are using http2 feature extensively in your application

Error HTTP2 Nginx iOS AFNetworking

TLS SSL protocols and cipher suites

Provide the correct cipher suites with the correct protocols for smooth and secure HTTPS experience.

Article SSL Security TLS