Reconstruct RSA public key from exponent and modulus
(1) Convert exponent and modulus to hex if they are not.
echo -n BASE64_VALUE|base64 --decode | xxd -p -u | tr -d \\n
(2) Create an asn1 definition file, replace the yellow color value with the value obtained in step (1).
# Start with a SEQUENCE asn1=SEQUENCE:pubkeyinfo # pubkeyinfo contains an algorithm identifier and the public key wrapped # in a BIT STRING [pubkeyinfo] algorithm=SEQUENCE:rsa_alg pubkey=BITWRAP,SEQUENCE:rsapubkey # algorithm ID for RSA is just an OID and a NULL [rsa_alg] algorithm=OID:rsaEncryption parameter=NULL # Actual public key: modulus and exponent [rsapubkey] n=INTEGER:0xHEX_MODULUS_VALUE e=INTEGER:0xHEX_EXPONENT_VALUE
(3) Save the file as "def.asn1".
(4) Use OpenSSL to construct DER from ASN1.
openssl asn1parse -genconf def.asn1 -out pubkey.der -noout
(5) Use OpenSSL to convert DER to PEM format.
openssl rsa -in pubkey.der -inform der -pubin -out pubkey.pem
(6) Obtain the Public Key in PEM file.
cat pubkey.pem
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2024-09-19 19:36:31
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