Designing Android Icons

(1) Where to get an icon?

  • Before you start to design an icon yourself, please search from the material design icon library. Most of the time, there is already an icon that suits your need.
  • The material design icon library collects icon which represents a feature or a common action in Android. If you are looking for a broader collection of icons, you can consider the icons8 library.
  • If both fails, then make your own icons following the material design guideline.

(2) What is the size?

  • Depends on where do you use the icon, usually the size is already defined and you do not need to guess.
    • Notification icons 24x24
    • Menu / Action bar icons 24x24
    • Launcher icons 48x48
    • App Shortcuts 48x48
    • Other icons - The size in your design with relative to 360. E.g. an icon that occupied 1/4 of the screen width in your design, it is likely to be around 90x90.
  • Now the size we have above is called the baseline size. You need to supply icons for screens with higher density. The ratio as below:
    • mdpi - 1X
    • tvdpi - 1.33X (Not necessary unless you are supporting tv screen)
    • hdpi - 1.5X
    • xhdpi - 2X
    • xxhdpi - 3X
    • xxxhdpi - 4X

(3) Any special requirements for each type of icons?

  • Notification icons - Always white color and with a transparent background. (Image 1 below)
  • Menu / Action bar icons - Light or Dark icon or custom color to suit your action bar's color. Usually 1 color with a transparent background. (Image 2 below)
  • App Shortcuts - Usually comes with a round filled background. (Image 3 below)

(4) How to name the icons?

Follow the prefix table below, use only a-z0-9 and underscore. Start the name with a-z.

(5) Useful links

  1. - This is useful for generating icons from material design collections. It also serves as designer's reference.
  2. - All the useful resources and guidelines for Google Material Design.
  3. - Check the "Tips for designer" section.

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